Jesus Is Alive for the Deaf

Welcome to Yes, Jesus Is Alive for the Deaf to join!!!
Here is
Do you thirsty to study the Bible Studies? Yes, AMEN!!
My name is faithangelily64 from Florida of Manager of Yes, Jesus Is Alive for the Deaf. I love to work Jesus' gospels on my own web sites. I love Jesus so much in my heart.  I love to see new members growing more all the world for the deaf. Jesus need you to come here to learn about Jesus and the bible. Amen!!
My assistant manager, BrotherJayHlf from North Carolina is deaf Christian Ministry. He will be happy to hear from you for request as prayer, bible study or anything to ask for. He is looking forward to hear from you to need him. He will be very blessing man to help you for understand about the bible titles. he is a big heart for you. Big Smile!!!
My second Assistant Manager, Tbubba from Georgia is helping behind my back to get little helper. He loves working on the message boards sometimes because he is busy with his family. He knows about the bible so much if you need him. Thanks!!
I have more Devotions, Prayer Requests, Christian Clip Arts, Christian Links, and chat room about the bible brainstorm at 9 PM to midnight every night. Jesus always love you forever!! Amen!!
Love In Christ,
Assistant Manager
BrotherJayHlf (Deaf Christian Ministry)
Second Assistant Manager

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